Chthulucene Dark: Imagining Climate Catastrophe via Table-Top Roleplaying

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Chthulucene Dark: Imagining Climate Catastrophe via Table-Top Roleplaying

Tuesday, 19 February, 2019 - 10:00 to 14:00
G.8 Gaddum Lecture Theatre, 1 George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9LD
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External attendees can book via Eventbrite here

Table-top games like Dungeons & Dragons, or Pathfinder, amongst others,can be an immersive and collaborative way of engaging with the complexities of one of the biggest social and ethical challenges our society faces.

Chthulucene Dark is one such game that takes as its central concerns some of the biggest questions at the heart of how human society relates to the environment: what does it mean to live in the so-called 'Anthropocene'? How can we, as individuals in our society, comprehend the profound, long-term impacts of environmetnal degradation on distant people and futures we can scarcely imagine? Are we perhaps entering a new epoch, a 'Chthulucene', where our relationships with the environment are 'chthonic' — or deeply embedded within the ground?

This event will use table-top roleplaying as a form of live, interactive improv theatre, where players will control individual characters in a fictional setting adjudicated by a narrator. It is designed to be open and accessible, even to newcomers who are unfamiliar with table-top roleplaying.

Doors will open at 9:30. Please note that this event will be an ongoing performance from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm with breaks between every hour and an interval half-way through. Attendees will be welcome to participate, and a limited number of slots are available for them to join the game as players. More slots may become available on the day. Audience members are free to drop in and out of the event whenever they please, although we would advise being courteous to the audience and performers and avoiding disruption to the players and audience.

All performances will be relaxed performances with normal ambient lighting and will have a relaxed attitude to sound and noise from the audience for the benefit of attendees who might have any difficulties with sudden noises or dim lighting, or may find it difficult to keep still for the entirety of the performance.

Further updates will be posted here.

There will be some light refreshments provided at the interval.

N.B.: This event may be photographed and/or recorded for promotional or recruitment materials for the University and University approved third parties. For further information please contact the organiser.

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